Entries by Christin Soly

Why is there a school garden?

Have you noticed our school garden? It is in raised beds in between the school and toddler/infant building. In season it is a growing collection of flowers and vegetables that delight the senses. Even in the winter when it looks dead there are delightful things are happening underground.

How do I have a smooth morning?

Ever have one of those days which start out rough? Maybe you stumbled bleary eyed into the kitchen only to discover you were out of coffee. Or you were planning to wear that power suit for the big presentation and realized it was still at the cleaners. Maybe you arrived at work ready to dig […]

Why write a Merritt blog?

In today’s fast paced world information is constantly coming at us from all sides. Between work, home, family, and media we are all processing new data practically 24/7. How do you sort out the important from the meaningless, the wheat from the chaff?