Merritt Academy Announces Return of the Merritt Academy After School Program (MAAP)
We understand that finding a quality after school program can be a difficult journey for busy families. MAAP is a high-quality after-school program for FCPS students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Our founder Rachel O. Merritt believed in making life easier for busy parents. Merritt Academy proudly announces the return of MAAP to provide a childcare solution for students at select FCPS schools with complementary bell schedules.
Merritt offers students a strong, safe after-school program with enjoyable activities. After pick-up at their FCPS campus and arrival by bus, FCPS students join Merritt afternoon extended service students in classrooms by grade. MAAP students may also, with separate registration, enroll in enriching extracurriculars, as space allows.
For the new 2024-25 school year starting on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, we will be accepting MAAP students from Marshall Road and Flint Hill FCPS Elementary campuses on a space available basis. Register for MAAP here.
Benefits for your child
- Recreation time for kindergarten and 1st grade
- Staff supported Study Hall for 2nd-8th grade
- Spacious tree-lined outdoor playground
- Merritt Bus Transportation provided from school to our campus
- Opportunities for enrollment in select extracurriculars
- An afternoon daily snack
- Service on regular school days from your child’s bus arrival until 6:15pm
Registration Details:
Registration open now for 2024-25, space subject to availability.
Program Tuition: $425/month, regardless of the number of days in session. No discount for days not used due to illness or vacation.
Holiday Break full day camps can be added by separate registration as needed for a fee.
For inquiries, contact Merritt Academy’s office.

“ Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. ”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
More Information
A National School of Character
VISA accredited K3-8th Grade
9211 Arlington Blvd.
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone | 703.273.8000 | Email
Character Matters!
Merritt Academy is proud to be recognized as a National School of Character by the Character Education Partnership, a national non-profit coalition based in Washington, D.C.
After School Activities
Merritt Academy provides a safe, enriching afterschool environment for students attending our elementary program.